Sunday, November 11, 2012

For my Parents

This post will mainly contain pictures for my parents that I've been promising from this summer.
This summer was a summer with my man. We had a great time together and had some great adventures with each other.
The summer started off with a trip to Las Vegas, NV with his family.

Hanging out in the Hotel room

Posing with a shoe with his mom. I appreciate that she is almost as white as I am... Almost :]

Us in front of the Strip. 
Don't let my sweater fool you, it was crazy hot there! But I burn and crisp faster than bacon so I have to wear sunscreen AND a sweater. It was a lot of fun though. 
Next on the agenda was to visit my Grandparents out of state. I had a great time introducing A to the world of horses for the first time. 

Me lunging Hank, one of my grandparents' horses, to exercise him.
There are few things in life that make me as happy as when I am with my horses, and throwing A into that mix just about made my summer. I can't wait to take him back in the years to come.
So there you go Mom and Dad :] Sorry that it took so long to get these pictures, but they were on A's phone and I was lazy.

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