Thursday, February 28, 2013

Almost Done

That has seriously been my mantra this entire quarter and now it really is true. Only 3 more weeks until I am officially a college graduate!!!
Can I get some applause here?
I am completely beyond excited. I have a whole list of things that I can't wait to be able to do and accomplish.
1. I have a whole bunch of books on my list to read.
2. I really want to get more into blogging. I follow a lot of blogs and have gotten a ton of great ideas that I would like to put into practice in my own life and then share that experience.
3. Cooking. I recently discovered Whole Foods. Oh my.
4. Organizing. Words can't express my excitement for this one.
5. Riding. Oh my. I can't wait for this. I have literally been dreaming about riding almost every night for the last month. I am so ready to be in the horse world again. My grandparents even brought me my chaps, boots, and helmet back from their house out of state so that I could have something to ride with next month. So so so so so excited.
6. I have started running. It is what I decided to do for Lent. Rather than give up something I decided to add something. Its still a sacrifice and takes will power and commitment so I have decided that it's acceptable. I usually become a pescatarian (sp?) for Lent but since I am trying to not eat a lot of meat anyways, I thought that would be a waste. I haven't been as good about running as I hoped to be but at least its a start.

My housemate G and I have been running together. This was from our 5am run this week.

7. Working. Call me crazy but I am so excited to take on the rest of my bills from my parents and just work, save, and be completely financially independent. Yahoo man. I love paying for myself, and creating budgets, the whole nine yards.
There are more things, but I'm in a rush right now so that's all for today.

A finished up his training for his new job and was transfered from his local training location to a location near his home town. He is now about an hour away from me and it sucks. I miss him terribly and even though I have already visited him once, I know that I won't be able to do it all the time because it is a lot of gas and time to see him. It has been a little hard to cope since I'm used to having him around all the time but honestly the hardest part is (predictably) at night. I don't feel as safe (or as warm... he's seriously my heat blanket) when I'm falling asleep and therefore fall asleep later and don't get as much sleep, leading to me missing or turning off my alarms without waking up. Its been bad, and I want to adjust but then again I don't because then its like I'm used to not being with him :[
This is from 2 1/2 years ago in Tahoe. Can you believe how time flies?!
I got a 100% on my African history midterm :]

I got to perform with my dance company PPDC at a Guardian Scholars event. This is particularly near and dear to my heart because the Guardian Scholars is a group that helps emancipated foster kids go through college, and I want to work with foster kids. Plus it was just a really great day to bond with the group and get to know everyone a little better.
This is most of PPDC <3
I think that's mostly it except to say that there are a lot more posts coming in March and then onward. I am so excited for the next few months. Big changes are coming in my life and I can't wait to share!

Monday, February 11, 2013

RIP Jezabell

I woke up to my poor baby dead yesterday morning. I miss you already. I hope you are happy and safe and running on a magical wheel in hamster heaven.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It's all about who you know...

People always told me that when I got older it would be "all about who you know". At first this used to upset me because I was (and still am) an exceptionally hard worker. I just figured that if people could just see what I could offer then I would always have work and people would always hire me... And on and on with the naive thoughts. When I got to college I slowly started learning that, as usual, my assumptions were going to make an ass out of me if I didn't check them.
At this point, as I am gearing up to graduate in March, I realize that this could not be more true. Every single job that I have at this moment, I got because I knew someone who told me of the opportunity, or someone knows someone else who knows someone. It is mindboggling to think of what my life would be like if I had made different friends or if the people around me weren't so generous.
With that being said, it is also imperative to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you. To not be lazy. To have faith. Being independent is hard but worth it.

And for no particular reason except that I'm feeling nostalgic (and I'm also super thankful that I know them)... Some really really old pictures.