Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Midterm reflections

Well it's that time again... Midterms. Everyone around me is combusting into sickness, including my family and housemates. I'm desperately clinging to my health and taking preventive measures like eating healthy,


and trying to get plenty of sleep. With that being said, I'm exhausted. I expect that I will continue to be exhausted until the end of the quarter.

I honestly feel a little sorry for A, because I get irritated at everything when I am this strung out. Somedays it just feels like he can't do anything right, which of course is absurd. He works long days and then has nothing to do while everyone around him still has to grapple with homework. For right now he brings me Slurpies to help me pull all-nighters when I need to. He's the best :]
We also try to have a date night every once in a while.

I think that it will be easier on us both once I graduate. My boss reminded me last night that life won't get easier once I am done with school... While I know that she is correct, I also know that I will enjoy being able to come home from work and have the evening to do what ever I want. Sleep, cook, clean. I will be tired, but at least I'll be able to sleep if I want to. I am doing everything in my power to catch up on my reading but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. I am glad that the quarter is almost half over. I'm not sure how much longer I can go before I hit a major mental/emotional breakdown.

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