1st: I have to leave my house before 7am and
2nd: My backpack is super heavy when I have to cart so much crap around everywhere.
3rd: I rarely get to see my man because our work schedules are so completely different.
4th: Eating out a lot is expensive but constantly preparing food to carry around with me all day (not to mention bringing enough with me to last the whole day) is such a pain.
5th: I have to admit that juggling 2 jobs plus school is
6th(And most importantly): Afternoon naps are absolutely necessary.
I have also learned that sometimes I need people to lean on. I am eternally grateful for my friends, family, and my boss. Without the support of those that I love I'm sure I would be in way worse shape than I am in right now.
This week started off great. I had an awesome weekend complete with a fancy date night with A, courtesy of a present from my brother.
Aren't we cute?!
But between work and recovering from a really stubborn sickness, and studying for two tests (okay so one was only a quiz, but still) and all of my other excuses: the stress and exhaustion completely got to me. An impromptu therapy session with my boss later (with some great support from my new dance studio family and a good cry) and I am well on my way to recovery.
I even managed to walk home from school today instead of driving. Endorphins can do wondrous things, plus my wallet thanks me for not using gas :]
I am so glad that it's the weekend and I can finally recover, catch up on homework, and enjoy my peace. My friends and I are even going on a hike on Sunday to the "C". Super stoked!
In other news, my room is a mess and I'm hungry.
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